[SOLVED] DISGAEA 5 COMPLETE “Failed to Initialize” error on Windows 7 (Intel HD graphics)

POST DIVIDERDisgaea 5 pc COMPLETE FAILED TO INITIALIZE error solved solution fix windows 7POST DIVIDER

I have waited for this game for a couple of years now. I just play on my pc cuz everything get’s ported anyways (Except for Lollipop chainsaw TT)

So everyone who has Windows 7 seem to have encountered this “Failed to initialize” error. Numerous fixes were suggested like downloading this and that but apparently we need to let our PC do the work. Other users suggested to get this file kb4457144 and it worked for them. I did that and it still showed me the error.

So what I did is I opened the Windows update page in the Control Panel and Downloaded ALL recommended updates even those from 2015 and older. I’ve used up more than 1.6gb of my Data allowance for this and the game runs fine now. Windows update also included the update for my integrated graphics card so it actually saved me a lot of time.



1.) Go to Control Panel -> Windows Update

2.) Check for updates -> Select ALL Available UPDATES (Language Packs are optional)

3.) Wait for it and follow the restart Process

4.) Check Windows update history first as I noticed update KB3177467 failed the first time.

5.) Re-download any failed updates and restart

6.) Start the game and Enjoy!


I actually doubted the WINDOWS UPDATE feature on my laptop because I felt like it doesn’t do shit but make my PC a lot laggy. Welp xD

I will upload more pics later ❤

My Craptop Specs:

Windows 7 Professional / INTEL HD Graphics 4000 / Core i5 / 4GB Ram / 500GB HDD 


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